Sunday, August 16, 2015

"I don't want to read first"--aTi Showcase

After lunch, the aTi showcase began. This is when we rotate from group to group and see what the different participants have accomplished.

As usual, the poetry group went first. There were six chairs lined up. I definitely did not want to read first, but reading last didn't seem too great either. I took seat #5 or #2...depending on the viewpoint.

I decided to read "How to Spice Up the Bedroom" and "Someone I Know." I was nervous, but tried just focusing on my poems. I did my regular motion of placing my hand on my upper leg---something I tend to do when nervous---but otherwise, there was no shaking of the voice or anything.

I love this culminating day because all of our personalities come out through our pieces and how we read them. This was my fourth year of aTi and third time completing the poetry sessions. I can sincerely say that this group was the best group I've ever worked with. Cat created an environment in which we felt comfortable enough with sharing...everything. Everyone in the group also respectfully helped each other critique/improve our poems.
aTi 2015 Poetry: Cat Doty, Carolyn, Renee Ashley, Svea, Mary, John, me, Melissa

Hand splayed out on's a thang;-) Also, decent hair day--yay!

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